
Hi. I am so glad you’re here! My name is Mykala Micek, and I am the founder, designer and maker of Naturally Dyed Goods. Since starting this business in the summer of 2017, I envisioned I would have a blog of some kind: a record, a journal, a little window into my corner of the universe of natural dyeing and running a small business as a one-woman show. I hope to share all kinds of things here in the coming months and years, including notes about my process and in-progress studio photos, as well as some tutorials for at-home projects you can do yourself (and probably some general wonderings about the world and my place in it along the way). If you follow me on Instagram, you know that my posts can tend to be lengthy at times; I also hope to give myself more space here to expand on some of those ideas and stirrings!

I hope you enjoy following along here and will feel free to chime in, ask questions, and participate in this community. Thanks so much for being here.



Madder Root + Buckthorn Peace Silk Bundle Dye Tutorial (in collaboration with Themazi Natural Dyes)